Thursday, October 06, 2005

Movin' on up

So we got a place in Georgetown. Nice 2 bedroom, basically half of a house. Recently renovated, nice looking. A little more then I wanted to spend, but after seeing a "cheap" apartment in Acton, I was scared straight!

If anyone has a washer/dryer for sale, let me know!

It is almost Thanksgiving! This year I get 2 dinners, one at BF's aunt, one with the 'rents. As usually I will be making 4 pumpkin pies (2 for each shindig). I'll do the first two tonight. Mmm...pumpkin pie....

Only one week to the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festival! I am going to doff half a day and go early this year.

Note to the weenie (and any other flyers "scared" of knitting needles): The damn things are DULL anyway! I mean, you would need a sledge hammer to break any skin, and I think you would bend the needle first anyway! And beside, and knitter worth their salt would not give up a needle to a terrorist!

Some people's kids....

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